Tuesday, July 24, 2012

*4th Of July*

For the 4th we went to Sun Valley to go to the parade and watch the fire works. It was so fun. The kiddos were bummed that they only got about 2 pieces of candy each. But Kendra loved the horses the most and Aubrey loved the cheerleaders the most and Blake loved the motorcycles the most :) We went around the shops and went to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to get some ice cream and some caramel apples....yummy!! While we were there Jamie Lynn Curtis was there, she was very nice and friendly. We went to the park and let the kiddos pass some time there while we waited for the fireworks. All 3 kids loved the fireworks. It was a fun day!!


Aimee said...

That is so funny, we visit the chocolate factory every time we go to Sun Valley too! So much fun!